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We have been funded by the Manchester City Council to deliver this unique and vital new additional support aimed at making accommodations safer for victims and survivors of Domestic Abuses. This is in addition to the support services that we already offer through our sister organisation known as Dimobi Women's Trust but the difference, is that unlike the name might have suggusred, our Domestic Abuse support services especially, this one funded by the Manchester City Council extends the safe support offer to both male and femal victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse. 

In response to our community need we are planning over the next three years to expand our services further and provide:

Vocational Training Services for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

Half-term activities

Partnership Work with the Youth Criminal Justice to Support Young People with Autism/ADHD.

Respite, Half-Way House, and Placement

We have a robust fundraising strategy that is governed by Trustees, created according to the evidenced needs of our member and service-users and updated at the end of each accounting year.  In our funding strategy, we set out our annual objectives each year, so they are aligned with our charity mission and vision.  We also create a shortlist of projects based on identified needs of our members and shared challenges in our community and social inclusion policy and purposes.  We then look for funder with the funding streams to link to the desired outcomes and criteria for each designated activities or resource required, be it staff, equipment, volunteer resources, or specific projects that will make a difference. 

Our funding strategy includes a focus on the need for us to work towards contract work and tender opportunities for a sustainable future.  This was unfortunately put on hold for 2020/21 due to the COVID pandemic but we are starting to work on the implementation hence, this application. Below are some of our objectives sustainable recovery and growth.

Objective 1:

Grow our neurodiversity service offer across North Manchester.       

We will explore opportunities to expand and develop our neurodiversity services.  This will include social prescribing.  We will co-produce outcomes required with our Parent Forum and Co-Production members.  We will involve our community and external organisations.  We will follow our fundraising strategy.

Objective 2:

To develop a multicultural neurodiversity workforce to meet the holistic needs our disabled children and their families. We will achieve this by sourcing income for workers, recruiting and training them to meet challenging service needs.  We will aim to create an inclusive, wellbeing environment where skills, talent and passion will thrive.

Objective 3:

Have financial sustainability. We will achieve this by maintaining financial accountability and continually monitoring the financial performance of all our services and using this to inform development opportunities. We will continually monitor our key financial risks and ensure that risk mitigation plans are in place. We will refresh and follow our fundraising strategy.

Objective 4:

Raise neurodiversity awareness and promote strengths-based practices. We will achieve this by developing our external training offer, partnering with local organisations and service providers.

Objective 5:

Black, Asian, minority, ethnicity inequalities.  Raise awareness of Black, Asian, minority, ethnicity inequalities need and promote inclusivity. We will achieve this by supporting the power of our members to be visible, for their experiences to be heard, share project outcomes and develop our external training offer.


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